Friday, October 15, 2010

A Rainy Day

It is a rainy day so I feel like writing a bit. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with my family and my friend from Alberta. I think I love my family a bit too much. I guess you can never have too much love, but loving people as much as I love my family makes it REALLY hard when we have to separate again.... Not to say the weekend wasn't amazing, though. Because it was. We fit in so much in three short days (well, four, I guess... only two full days). The day we arrived, we got to go to Youth Group. How refreshing! I smiled real big. Next, we had a relaxing Saturday with a trip to the Farmer's Market and also a nice walk in the park. I got a chance to bake, as well. Yummy banana bread! Sunday was a busy day with church, then dinner at my grandmother's. There is a lighthouse near my grandmother's house, on the shore of the Bay of Fundy. The tide was exceptionally high on this Thanksgiving Sunday- it was terrifying! After the tide went down a bit, we also had a sunset walk on the beach after the enormous supper. We also jumped on hay bales. I think it was a really good day. A day of memories :) Monday was the drive back to university, Right before we left, though, I got a chance to help with the harvest- Monday night was the night of the first frost, so we had to gather all the potatoes. Now I feel as if I helped, at least a little. Now I am back here at university. It's been a busy, short week. Now it is homecoming weekend. I hope the weather clears up for the big football game tomorrow.

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