Friday, July 23, 2010

Trip Reflections: Differences Between Canada and the US

It is easy to notice things if they are different from your home.
So, here are some things that are different in Nova Scotia than they are in the Northeastern United States.
  • Nova Scotia has "construction", while the US has "road work." Something that is the same: It is all over the place!
  • Nova Scotia has Tim Hortons, while New England has Dunkin Donuts, and New York has Starbucks. (We had no trouble whatsoever finding a Starbucks in NYC. There were three in Macy's alone, and at least one on each block I'd say)
  • Nova Scotia has Esso, while the US has Citgo.
  • Nova Scotia has one highway toll: the Cobequid Pass. The US have a few on each highway it seems. Often you can't get off the highway without paying a toll.
  • Nova Scotia has the highway while the US has a variety of freeways, thruways, parkways, turnpikes and even the "Masspike"
Otherwise, everything was quite similar. Both places have a lot of trees. Except NYC. Unless you were in a park, you would have a hard time finding a tree anywhere in that city of concrete and traffic.

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