I hardly have time to capture beauty with my wonderful new camera, which is sad. I have many sunrise and sunset pictures. This camera is a painful thing to have. I can never be sure if the film has turned out. The first film was ruined, and I am afraid this one may be too. I have not yet had it developed. It is heartbreaking, though, to have all those pictures destroyed.
I also got a season of the Waltons from my local library and watch it often. I am in love with John Boy, basically. But my favourite person is Grandpa.
I am learning a lot about God, too, I think. It was not too long after Christmas, a really wet, stormy, miserable night when my brother said "Let's buy a meal for a poor person." He asked me if I wanted to come. No-one else wanted to, and I knew he couldn't go alone, so I accompanied him. So, here we are, walking around in the slush, freezing cold and wet, so wet, and there is nobody on the streets. I have never seen our town so devoid of pedestrians. We asked some people if we could take them out for a meal (well, he asked), but the three people we saw did not accept. I mean, would you, if a couple of wet teenagers asked you? So, we were walking around town for about an hour, and pretty much given up. We were hungry too, and cold, and, well, finally we saw this guy, and we asked him, and anyway, we ate at Tim Hortons. Also we had brought Tim Tams so we had a Tim Tam Slam. It turned out the guy we were taking out to eat was the same guy who we had once taken to a Franklin Graham crusade. I hope we showed him a different side of Christianity than, well, televangelists.
A sad thing is that today a friend of mine had her last exam. She has enough credits to graduate now, and she will be going to Alberta and I do not know when she will be back. I am not a big fan of goodbyes.
Books I have been reading lately: Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell, The Irrestible Revolution by Shane Claiborne, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller, and The Portable Thoreau.